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Grant Eligibility (community-related projects):

To qualify for a grant from the Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope, the following criteria must be met:


1. There must be a need for a project. This need must be demonstrated.

2. The project must focus on meeting a need of women and girls.

3. The sponsoring agency (NGO) should be registered 501 (c) (3) or international equivalent of having a nonprofit status.

4. International NGOs must show proof of FCRA certificate required to receive foreign funds.

5. The aim of the project must be consistent with the mission of the Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope.

6. There must be at least minimal infrastructure which includes:

  • a bank account

  • personnel responsible for accounting

  • monthly project reports

  • indicators and evaluative systems to measure progress of projects

    • written reports

    • pictures

    • statistical data

7. Projects should be consistent with planning for sustainable interventions.

8. The project should focus on empowering women and girls to take charge of their own lives with tools for independence and development at a grassroots level.

We support projects that focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:


  • Increasing access to basic medical services

  • Improving the health of women and girls

  • Providing educational opportunities & scholarships for women and girls

  • Supporting empowerment projects for women and girls

  • Supporting economic & social integration opportunities for women and girls


In reviewing grant requests, priority will be given to the following groups:


  • An organization that is beginning and demonstrates the potential to meet the needs of women and girls

  • An organization that is working to target the root causes of poverty.

  • Organizations whose projects are community & need driven and involve the participation of women and girls. For example, a community center used for education and training.

  • An organization that is led by and/or working with women and girls for the purpose of attaining independence, establishing opportunities that promote empowerment, financial independence and a sustainable economic decision-making processes.


Awards: Grant awards will typically range from $500-5,000 US dollars depending on the project's scope, timeframe, and need. The aim of our grant-giving is to meet the needs of women and girls through interventions based on need which focus on education and training that lead to sustainable economic independence.


Timeframe: Grants are accepted on a rolling basis. We award grants approximately three times per calendar year. A notice of receipt of an application will be sent within four weeks of its arrival to Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope.


Commitment: Once a grant is awarded, the sponsoring agency (NGO) is responsible for:

  1. A formal yearly progress report.

  2. Monthly email updates on projects.

  3. Documentation in the form of pictures and written updates from the field.

  4. An annual report which will include lessons learned for the betterment and future improvement of projects.

  5. Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope is committed to visiting the field, meeting beneficiaries, and evaluating projects.



  • Towards the end of the grant period a community women’s meeting is recommended to establish ways that the women’s group can sustain and support future women’s groups.

  • Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope will help, when possible, to continue to raise funds for projects that are found to be beneficial and sustainable for women’s groups.




Once it is determined that a project meets the eligibility criteria for a grant, the following must be done:


  1. Complete a grant application form.

  2. Submit a typed proposal of the project either using our sample proposal guidelines or a standard proposal request. Make sure all the items are completed on the checklist.


Process of Grant Distribution


  • Once a grant request is received, it is reviewed by the Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope Board of Directors.

  • If there are questions or clarifications, we will contact you via email.

  • If approved, grant awards will be dispersed within three months from initial receipt of grant proposal.

Grant Eligibility (Individual):


Individual Educational scholarships may be available; however, they are restricted grants that may be used for the following categories for an individual:


  • Schoolbooks

  • Uniforms

  • School supplies

  • Braille materials

  • Skills training

  • Global leadership opportunities

  • University Education (South America, Oceania, Central America, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia)

  • Specialty College Education (South America, Oceania, Central America, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia)

  • Testing, Entrance exams, Application fees


To Qualify for an Individual Grant


  • A student must demonstrate financial need.

  • There must be no other financial subsidy available.

  • A letter of acceptance from the academic institution/program must be submitted.

  • An application must be filed with Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope.

  • The academic institution must be in the country where the applicant resides.

  • Records, report cards, and/or transcripts need to be sent to Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope.


Additional Information:


  • Applications for Scholarships should be submitted to Ama Chhori Foundation of Hope 4-6 months in advance of entry into the program.

  • A budget of the costs involved in the academic program must be included.

  • A timeline for a program of study should be included.

  • Notification will be given two months after receipt of application.

  • Scholarship Grants range from: $100-1500 USD & are dependent on program of study.

  • If a student is selected for a scholarship, they will 1) help other students in their community or 2) explain how they intend to give back to their community with the knowledge gained in their academic pursuits.

  • Funding will be sent directly to the educational institution.

  • Applicants must demonstrate a plan for 1) how they will help other students in their community or 2) how they intend to give back to their community with the knowledge gained in their academic pursuits.

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